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Noya Rao
Other Master-Plant dieta's

What is a Master-Plant dieta?

A dieta is a deeper way of connecting to the medicine Ayahuasca, but also to your (higher)self.

A companion (master) plant is taken alongside the Ayahuasca throughout a series of ceremonies, in this caseYou can choose from:

Noya Rao

Chiric Sanango





Marosa (only in Peru at this time)



The dieta is an incredible practice in itself and provides an amazing way to connect with the spirits of the plants.

It also serves as a very powerful remedy for various ailments. 

Through the process of dieta the body often times will come back into alignment and various illnesses will begin to heal and correct themselves.

It takes commitment!


During (and some time after) the diet there will be restrictions on food and lifestyle. 

During the diet there also will be a period of fasting with a minimum of 24 hours which you can extend at your own choice. 


The food will be simple, no salt, no sugar, no dairy, no fat and the amount will be just enough to keep you from tipping over. 

The purpose in not to just clean out your system, but also to make it easier for you to receive the subtle energies, messages and maybe even Icaros (songs) of the plant. 


A truly beautiful, magical and sometimes challenging path to walk upon, but having these plants as allies in your life will illuminate the path. 

The plants will be a mirror and a teacher. 

To see your own light, your true potential. 


YOU are love, YOU are the medicine!


Maestro Roberth

Shipibo name
Ray Rawa 

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 22.11.24.png

Maestro Roberth

Roberth Inuma Mahua who is now in his late 30's was born in the Shipibo village of pohyan and lives there with his wife and 5 children. He started practicing the medicine of ayahuasca at the age of 12, went to western medical school too and delivers most of the babies in the village, to this day he is still working with traditional medicine has over 20 years of experience and is one of the most powerful healers in the Shipibo village. He works together with Maestra Olinda and verious other shipibo maestro's in the retreat center they run in Pahoyan. He is one of the purest maestro's we have ever worked with and really works from his heart with so much passion. He loves joking around, but is very serious about the diets. He has some of the most potent Icaros you will ever hear. These will align you and clear your field of what is holding you back to become the best version of yourself. 

What we offer

Master-Plant diets 2025



12-day Noya Rao or other Master-plant Shipibo diet at Mother's House The Netherlands

with Maestro Roberth Mahua and 1-2 other Shipibo maestro's that we are waiting for confirmation on.

In co-creation with The Medicine Tribe team




4th of July until the 15th of July 2025


Pricing goes from very basic and bringing your own tent and camp out on the land (€1750) to a more luxury option private room inside the house (€2499)


Early bird discount!

Book before 31-12-2024 and get €250 discount.









12-day Noya Rao or other Masterplant diet in Pahoyan, Peru €2499 (including 5 Ayahuasca Ceremonies)

You can choose to stay longer if you would like to go for a longer diet. 


12th of September 2025 until the 23rd of September 2025


Early bird discount!

Book before 31-12-2024 and get €250 discount.



What is included in the Master-Plant dieta

The Netherlands


  • Ayahuasca ceremonies every other day

  • Master-plant diet 

  • Other medicinal plants if needed to help (cure) whatever you need help with

  • Medicinal Plant Sauna's (Sweat lodge in The Netherlands)

  • Flower baths

  • 3 meals a day (except when you are fasting or on ceremony days, then you get 2 meals)

  • Private consultations with the Maestro & family

  • English & Dutch speaking guide 

  • Guided walk around the forrest learning about the healing plants and trees (in Peru)

  • Celebration with the whole family that will include music & dancing 

  • Shipibo artisan market â€‹

  • Pick up in Pucallpa and help getting the ticket for the boat. (€50 one way)

  • Transportation from the harbour or Pahoyan to the retreat center (Peru)

  • Integration talks

  • Shipibo Icaros class

  • Teachings on how to use sacred tools in ceremony 






What is not included?

  • Flight to and from Peru or The Netherlands

  • Ticket for the boat to and from Pahoyan (Peru) (€50 one way)

  • Overnight stay in Pucallpa the day before departure with the boat to pahoyan and coming back to Pucallpa. (The boat leaves at 08:00 AM) (to pahoyan) (Boat arrives in pucallpa around 11-12 am)

How do I book

Please fill out the contact form on our website or click here to register directly.


You will be added to the client portal where you can fill out the registration form

after registration a deposit of 20% has to be made to secure your space. 

As soon as the deposit is received you will receive further information about preparation, the retreat or diet, directions to the center and tips and tricks for staying in Pucallpa or The Netherlands pre and post retreat/diet. 




Pictures & videos

Dieta 2024 aftermovie

Dieta 2023 aftermovie

Pictures & videos
The Netherlands

Mother's House,
The place we call home

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