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​Ceremony lead, musician & Bridge builder

Her Story

As a former nurse, Tamara realized that the compassion she had for her patients was a big part of the healing process. The loss of connection with self and nature she witnessed in herself and the people she was caring for made here realise she needed to walk a different path.  She started following the path of Yoga, became a breathworker, bodyworker and Reiki practitioner, exploring different pathways for holistic wellbeing. Eventually finding Shamanic Plant work. Focussing on bridging the shamanic indigenous wisdom with western medicine. 


Her path

Tamara has studied plant medicine with Mestizo Maestro's and is currently studying under a Shipibo Maestro from Peru. She found the path of the Master Plant-Diets and holds strong diets, becoming a channel for the plants. Noya Rao, Bobinsana, Chullachaqui, Chiric Sanango & Marosa are here allies at the moment. The energy of the plants are transmuted in ceremony by singing the songs of the plants called Icaros. She also incorporates songs and healing modalities from other traditions like the Mestizo, Huni Kuin, Yawanawa and European culture.

Bridging traditions together is her goal and passion, as she believes they all preach LOVE and we need love & connection more than anything in our lives right now.

She is the co-founder and manager of  Mother's House​, where she supports research co-creates and conducts psychedelic ceremonies. She also works closely with ICEERS, organizing workshops* on harm reduction and safety protocols for facilitators working with psychedelics.


*If you are a plant-medicine facilitator or looking into becoming one please contact us to get invited to our event with ICEERS. There is always something to learn no matter how long you have been on this path and it is amazing to connect to other people on this path.


Her Why

Over the years, Tamara has witnessed many people heal their trauma with the help of psychedelics. She finds it amazing to see, how by creating a safe space, people can work through the deepest trauma's. She has so much respect for the power and the wisdom of the plants and the indigenous teachings she may receive and witness. "The answers are in nature!" She’s driven to enact a balance between therapeutic practices and indigenous shamanic teachings. For her, it’s not a job—it’s a calling and a way of life. “We can provide many tools, but in the end it is up to you. You are the medicine. A change in perspective is a change of life.”

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